Mobile monitoring station PDP-1 - РУП «НПЦ НАН Беларуси по механизации сельского хозяйства»
+375 17 272-02-91
+375 17 356-87-86

Mobile monitoring station PDP-1

It is used to conduct technical service, monitoring and routine maintenance of milking stalls on dairy farms. The station is mounted on the basis of van GAZ-2705.

The tool set consists of the following:

  • diagnosis tools for milking equipment; 
  • special equipment; 
  • basic bench/ fitter’s tool; 
  • electric tool.

Equipment kitting of the station enables to make monitoring efficiently, maintenance service-1, maintenance service -2 and a wide range of repair works of milking equipment.

According the client’s wish PDP-1 is kitted with different tool elements


Service and technical staff, people 3
Equipment units not less 50
Power supply for equipment kitting 220 Volt, 50 Hz
Maintenance temperature of equipment kitting +5 … +35ºС
Number of diagnosis spots not less 5