Mobile station for service and maintenance PSR - РУП «НПЦ НАН Беларуси по механизации сельского хозяйства»
+375 17 272-02-91
+375 17 356-87-86

Mobile station for service and maintenance PSR

It is used to realize maintenance works, technical service, diagnosis and current repair of milk-cooling installations that are operated on dairy farms and agricultural enterprises.

Operations done with the usage of the mobile service station:

  • assembly and implementation of the equipment; 
  • control of technical state, starting-up and adjustment, break-in; 
  • maintenance (daily and serial); 
  • recurrent technical control and diagnosis; 
  • repair of equipment.

The installation is done on the basis of van GAZ-2705 or its analog.


Equipment units 80
Equipment type in kit basic bench/fitter’s tool, electrical equipment, special equipment, equipment for wiring works
Operations with cooling agents R-22, R-134a, R-404A
Overall dimension, mm 1805х1800х1325
Station weight, not more (without van), kg 300