Rod and hinged applicator RSHU-12 - РУП «НПЦ НАН Беларуси по механизации сельского хозяйства»
+375 17 272-02-91
+375 17 356-87-86

Rod and hinged applicator RSHU-12

Used for the loading of additional dozes of pelletized phosphorous fertilizes under agricultural cultures, that are cultivated according to high technologies.

Technical feature

Unitized with tractor, class. 1,4
Operational efficiency , he/h 6–8
Fuel consumption, kg/he 1,1–1,5
Carrying capacity, kg 550
Coverage, m 12
Unevenness of loading, %:

  • nitrogenous fertilizers
  • potash fertilizers
до 10
до 15
Loading doze of fertilizers, kg/g 60–300
Unevenness of loading, % 8–11
Weight, kg 650