Rotor mower-shredder for garden KRS-2,4 - РУП «НПЦ НАН Беларуси по механизации сельского хозяйства»
+375 17 272-02-91
+375 17 356-87-86

Rotor mower-shredder for garden KRS-2,4

It is used for mowing and blending of greenery in gardens with spaces between tree ryes not less than 3 meters, and also for aligning of herbage.

Configuration of the mower practically excludes escape of stones and other things from rotor. The equipment is secure by operating and does not require complicated adjustments and highly skilled servicing.

It is unitized with wheel tractor of drawbar category 0,9 – 1,4 (of the type Belarus-800/820, Т-25, etc.). The driving of operative parts is realized from tractor’s power take-off (shaft). The change from transport position into operative and vice-versa is realized by means of tractor hydraulic system.


Type of aggregate rotor
Efficiency, hectare per hour, not less 2.2
Coverage, m 2.4
Grass height before mowing, mm, not more 300
Height of stubble, mm 60
Staff, people 1 (tractor driver)
Weight, kg, not more 750