The interest in the usage of bio-energy can be explained by its numerous advantages. Biomass is a natural and continually renewable resource. It is converted in various kinds of fuel. Volume and kind of fuel that are received from biomass depend not only on the total volume of renewable biomass, but also on its quality: humidity, organic content, physical features.
The sources of biomass that are mostly characteristic for our country are the products of natural vegetation (wood, wood residue, peat); farm waste (manure, plant tops, straw); specially cultivated high-yield crops.
The basic advantages of energy production from biomass are connected with:
— the recycling of organic waste in a cost-efficient, hygienic, and environment friendly way;
— high level of energy supply of rural areas;
— the production of high quality organic fertilizers;
— climate protection and possible profit from the decrease of greenhouse gases emission;
— new economic scopes of activity of belarussian and international enterprises with the creation of working places in regions of our country.
In the framework of the National Initiative of climate protection the Federal Department of Germany on ecological, nature protection and nuclear reactor safety issues (BMU) have developed the program “Assistance in research and development designs for optimal usage of biomass with energetic purposes”. The program foresees international cooperation support of the development of best storage and usage methods of bio-energy resources.
Besides technical and economic aspects of efficient and long-term usage of biomass, it is necessary to solve the urgent problems of electricity and heat production from biomass. It is concerned the scope of research concerning biomass potential and strategy development for biomass usage taking into account land conditions for food staff production. At the same time, a special care should be taken of organic waste and waste waters utilization in view of numerous opportunities to influence climate and the environment. As Belarus, Russia, and the Ukraine posses a great potential of biomass, the Ministry of the environment of FRG supports its development by means two joint projects – the development of a steady European strategy of biomass production, and also the establishing and broadening of scientific contacts in the sphere of bio-energy in Eastern European States.
In the framework of the second project on the initiative of the Institute of the environment technics, security and energetic named after Franghofer (UMSICHT), the Technical University of Dresden and the Biomass Research Center of Germany (DBFZ) by the organizational support of RUE “SPC NAS of Belarus for agricultural mechanization”, on June 21st-22nd, 2011there took place the international seminar “Scientific Cooperation in the sphere of bio-energy”. The participants from Belarussian side were the representatives of Ministries of Agriculture and Food of Belarus, Ministry of Nature Resources and Environment Protection , the Department of energetic efficiency of the State Standard of Belarus, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the State Technical University of Belarus, the State Economic University named after A.D. Saharov, and many other organizations.
In the course of the seminar the participants got acquainted with the project of bio-energy circuit “SOYUZ” that was presented by the Biomass Research Center of Germany. And also they learned about a financial support of research projects that are according the line of 7th frame program of the European Union concerning the financing ways of research projects in the framework of the cooperation between Germany and Belarus.
After that, the work of the participants continued in the thematic groups and finished with the visit to the poultry factory “Belarusskiy” in order to get acquainted in practice with operation of the biogas set.
Exchange of views between the participants of the seminar “Scientific cooperation in the sphere of bio-energy” and considerations about the existing national strategies in each of the country will become the ground for further development of cooperation between Germany and Belarus.
Vladimir Samosyuk – General director of RUE “SPC NAS of Belarus for agricultural mechanization”;
Nikolay Kapustin – manager of the laboratory of fuel and energy resources of RUE “SPC NAS of Belarus for agricultural mechanization”.